What Is Dry January and Should You Do It?

What Is Dry January and Should You Do It?

Between boozy work parties and your favorite aunt’s homemade eggnog, it’s easy to let December fly by in a cloud of alcoholic cheer. Why not consider committing to Dry January? This increasingly popular trend of abstaining from alcohol for the first month of the year...
Why Does Your Metabolism Slow as You Age?

Why Does Your Metabolism Slow as You Age?

Not so fun fact: Your metabolism slows down as you age. But at what age does your metabolism slow down? Why does it happen? And what can you do about it? Research suggests that your metabolism stays relatively stable from age 20 until you hit 60, at which point it...
How to Transition Off the Keto Diet

How to Transition Off the Keto Diet

The potential for rapid weight loss put the keto diet on the map, but many struggle with its restrictive rules. Between the dreaded “keto flu” and the challenge of the high-fat macro requirements, people who start keto may quickly find themselves wondering how to...
The 10 Most Flavorful Light Craft Beers

The 10 Most Flavorful Light Craft Beers

For the last few decades, fitness fans who grew to love unique and bold beers were left to drink watery, bland light beer from the big guys if they wanted to keep their waists trim. Thankfully for beer lovers, breweries have figured out how to make light craft beers...