Unlock Hip Flexibility and Strength With Lizard Pose

Unlock Hip Flexibility and Strength With Lizard Pose

Lizard pose, or Utthan Pristhasana in Sanskrit, is a challenging posture because it opens your hips, which can often get tight from sitting all day. Read on to open your tired, tight hips and explore the challenge of lizard pose! What Is Lizard Pose? Lizard pose is a...
How to Do Three-Legged Downward Facing Dog

How to Do Three-Legged Downward Facing Dog

Three-legged downward facing dog, or tri pada adho mukha svanasana in Sanskrit, is an asymmetrical yoga pose designed to test your balance and transition your body from downward facing dog (adho mukha svanasana) to other yoga postures with ease. This pose is fantastic...
How to Do Pigeon Pose in Yoga (Kapotasana)

How to Do Pigeon Pose in Yoga (Kapotasana)

In nearly a decade of teaching yoga, I’ve yet to encounter a student who’s lukewarm on pigeon pose. Yoga students either love this hip opener or hate it. Pigeon pose, or kapotasana, feels amazing when you do it right — the front leg externally rotates to stretch the...