Do You Know the 5 Components of Fitness?

Do You Know the 5 Components of Fitness?

The term “physical fitness” is used to characterize everything from a person’s physique to their general health and athletic performance. But while different definitions leave some room for interpretation, there are five basic components of fitness. These five...
What Is a Healthy Weight for Me?

What Is a Healthy Weight for Me?

If you’re wondering if there’s a definitive “healthy weight,” here’s the truth: There’s no perfect, absolute number you should aspire to achieve. Your healthy weight depends on a number of different factors, and there’s no way we can all fit into the same mold. With...
Should You Engage Your Core While Cycling?

Should You Engage Your Core While Cycling?

Squeeze your abs. Brace for a gut punch. Belly button to spine! During most exercise classes, you’re bound to hear at least one of these verbal cues for how to engage your core. And with good reason — engaging your core during physical activity may help prevent injury...