Did You Pull a Muscle or Are You Just Sore?

Did You Pull a Muscle or Are You Just Sore?

Sore muscles are common after a tough workout, but when you’re really feeling the burn, you may wonder if you’re dealing with the usual muscle soreness — or if you actually have a pulled muscle or muscle strain. Here’s how to tell the difference and how to recover....
How to Have Your Best Active Rest Day

How to Have Your Best Active Rest Day

Many of us have a hard time taking days completely off from exercise. We (wrongly) assume that working out nonstop will help us reach our fitness goals faster. “As a trainer, I hear a lot of clients humble-brag about never taking rest days, but this is nothing to be...
How to Relieve Sore Arm Muscles

How to Relieve Sore Arm Muscles

It’s arm day at the gym, but your arms are still sore from the last time you worked out. Is this soreness typical? Or is it an injury? Read on to learn why your arms get sore, when you can work through the pain, and when the hurt is something more. Why Are My Arms...