If you want your body to respond to whatever your mind can imagine, you need to get grounded, get strong, and master the primal movements.

Super Trainer Amoila Cesar brought you a new level of intensity with his breakthrough hit 6 Weeks of THE WORK and then made you strong and flexible like the professional athletes he trains with 645.

Now he’s created a new program that does all of that in just one collection of workouts — CHOP WOOD CARRY WATER.

Come for the simple practice and strength training designed to help build strength and joint mobility. Stay to master the primal movements that can help change the way your body moves and feels.

When you commit and trust the process, you may just feel like you’ve found your fountain of youth.


CHOP WOOD CARRY WATER is a revolutionary combination of functional strength training plus primal movement that helps you gain strength and mobility to foster a better mind-body connection.

In this 20-workout collection, you’ll focus on strength training, metabolic conditioning, primal movement, and recovery.

Some of the 30- to 40-minute workouts will target specific muscle groups and others will be full-body focused.

Amoila knows that everyone has different starting points, goals, and lifestyles, so he is creating three calendars that let you work out 4, 5, or 6 times a week. Choose the option that works for you and go at your own pace.

With focused consistency and patient repetition, you’ll master the movements and see how powerful you can become. And you’ll never want to stop.

Chop wood, carry water reminds us to trust the process, and take responsibility for ourselves. We chop the wood and carry the water, so that we can build fire for warmth and prepare food or drink.

What Is Primal Movement?

Amoila Cesar doing primal movements

Primal movement is ground-based, bodyweight movement in which you flow from one position to another, opening your body and using stabilizing muscles to help improve flexibility, mobility, and stability as you go.

The basic forms are known as the ABCs: Ape, Beast, and Crab, along with their variations. It’s often called “movement meditation” because it requires concentration. But you’ll love how light, agile, and strong it makes you feel.

CHOP WOOD CARRY WATER will help you build strength, improve agility and mobility, and ultimately change the way your body moves and feels.

The mix of movements and workouts, plus the focus and concentration required, will help foster a stronger mind-body connection.

What Does Primal Movement Mean to Amoila?

For Amoila, these are the movement essentials that allow him to get up every day and be disciplined in the work he wants to do while honoring and listening to his body.

After three years of animal flow practice, Amoila says he feels more connected to his body and has enjoyed more focus and clarity.

CHOP WOOD CARRY WATER represents the habits and rituals on which he centers his day: the repetition, the pursuit of mastery, and never giving up on himself.

Amoila wants you to experience all these benefits because you, too, are your habits and rituals — they are what provide the foundation of your days.

There will be ups and downs in life, but CHOP WOOD CARRY WATER represents the idea that as long as you have principles you can stand on, you’ll always go in the direction you want.

Show up, every day, and be the best you can be.

Who Is Amoila?

You know Super Trainer Amoila Cesar from the ever-popular 6 Weeks of THE WORK4 Weeks of THE PREP, and 645.

Amoila received his bachelor’s degree in exercise science with a minor in psychology from the University of Central Florida. He’s a NASM and NCCPT certified personal trainer and is one of the world’s top celebrity strength-conditioning coaches.

He’s led millions worldwide, from professional athletes, A-list celebrities, and CEOs to mothers, entrepreneurs, and more through their fitness journey.

When Will CHOP WOOD CARRY WATER Be Available?

Mark your calendars for July 2023 and stay tuned for specific dates.