Jackfruit is an outstanding fruit native to India but growing worldwide as a meat alternative. It is a giant fruit regularly ripening to 20- 55 pounds or 10-25 kg with yellow flesh and rough green skin.

Jackfruit is rich in nutrients and contains carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals. Also, it has the composition of shredded meat, so it is considered a substitute among vegans and vegetarians.

Jackfruit affects your blood sugar levels, so people with diabetes need to know about it well before incorporating it into their diet. In addition, jackfruit lowers high blood pressure, cures stomach ulcers, and cures constipation. This curing is because of its abundant source of fibre content that reduces your appetite and hunger cravings. 

The common questions are people with diabetes eat Jackfruit? How much sugar content does jackfruit have? How to utilise jackfruit seeds and leaves for diabetes? Dive in to know more about jackfruit and diabetes and how this fruit can enable you to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

Nutritional Profile of Jackfruit

Jackfruit is rich in antioxidants and vitamins and contains a vast amount of natural sugar. According to a study, one cup that is 150 grams of jackfruit pieces includes the following:

  • Calories: 143
  • Fat: 1 g
  • Protein: 2.6 g
  • Carbs: 35 g
  • Fibre: 2.3 g
  • Vitamin B6: 29% of the Daily Value (DV)
  • Vitamin C: 23% of the DV
  • Potassium: 676 mg

Jackfruit is rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, and vitamin B6 sources. Research indicates that these nutrients play crucial roles in energy production, immunity and prevent chronic inflammation, leading to conditions like type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

In terms of macronutrients, jackfruit includes carbs primarily. These carbs are in the form of natural sugars, which increase your blood sugar levels. Still, other compounds and nutrients in jackfruit may influence your blood sugar levels more positively.

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The nutritional significance of jackfruit is undisputed. Jackfruit is loaded with antioxidants and vitamins that generate energy for the body, keep diseases away, and prevent chronic inflammation. It can even enable you to avoid diabetes and heart disease if eaten the right way.

However, jackfruit includes natural sugars, which boost your blood sugar levels. But it also comprises good amount of fibre.

Is Jackfruit High in Sugar?

Jackfruit has natural sugars that inflict a spike in blood sugar levels. However, it can be adequate for people with diabetes because of its fibre content. 

Is Jackfruit Low in Carb?

There are limited carbs in jackfruit and an increased number of proteins, making it an excellent fruit for those following a low carb diet—also an added benefit for those with diabetes. Also, let’s not forget that it contains many vitamins, making jackfruit a nutritious fruit for everyone.

Benefits of Jackfruit for Diabetes

While plenty of people might have heard or know about this versatile fruit, a limited number of people know about its health usefulness, especially the health benefits for people with diabetes. Raw jackfruit, unlike ripe jackfruit, has a lower glycemic load and can enable you to balance your blood sugar levels.

Is jackfruit a good choice for your health? Yes, it is. But can it enable the management of sugar levels? Jackfruit’s glycemic index (GI) is around fifty to sixty on an average scale.

That implies that this fruit does not result in blood sugar spikes. However, here are some other advantages of jackfruit seeds and leaves for diabetes.

Helps Regulate Blood Sugar Levels

Jackfruit has a standard glycemic index (GI) of about 50–60 on a scale of a hundred. Research indicates that the GI is a quantity of how quickly a food results in blood sugar levels rising. Glucose, or a pure form of sugar, has a GI of a hundred and affects the most rapid rise in blood sugar. For context, white bread has a GI of seventy-five.

Studies show that jackfruit comprises fibre and protein, which contribute to jackfruit’s lower GI, as they enable slow digestion and maintain blood sugar levels from increasing rapidly.

Jackfruit also has an average glycemic load (GL). The GL takes the number of carbs in a serving of food and its GI. As such, it’s a more helpful way of assessing a food’s impact on blood sugar. For example, an evaluation suggests a low GL of 0 to 10, while jackfruit has a reasonable GL of 13 to 18. A GL of 20 or more is deemed high.

Jackfruit is abundant in flavonoid antioxidants, which are blends that some studies have correlated with a lower risk of chronic illness over the long term.

In addition, in some studies, jackfruit decreases blood sugar levels. However, most of this study has been performed on animals and used extracts from jackfruit stems and leaves.

More research is required to recognise how jackfruit influences blood sugar levels in humans entirely. Jackfruit has a medium GI of 50 to 60 and a medium GL of 13 to 18. It also includes flavonoids and other nutrients that may benefit long-term blood sugar management.

Jackfruit Leaves for Diabetes 

Some studies have indicated that extracts from the leaves and stems of this fruit can reduce blood sugar levels. However, Researchers did most of this research on animals. Jackfruit leaves comprise rich calcium and vitamin A contents that aid in healthy vision and bones.

In the northern part of India, Jackfruit or ‘kathal’ is a rare gourmet vegetable, generally referred to as vegetarian chicken. The leaves and seeds of jackfruit are nutritious and are used in various ways by culinary maestros. The roots of the fruit are rich in protein and roasted in Kerala, which is the biggest producer of jackfruit in the world. Jackfruit ultimately is the ‘jack of all tastes.’

Raw Jackfruit for Diabetes 

Raw jackfruit comprises dietary fibre and potassium composed of necessary vitamins and minerals. Therefore, raw jackfruit would be more healthy than the ripe fruit. Ripe jackfruit pods comprise only 20% of the sugar level of ripe jackfruit pods.

Due to its less acidic level, raw jackfruit is one of the fruits used as a replacement for your everyday intake of carbohydrates. So, suppose you replace a cooked white rice or wheat bowl with raw jackfruit. Raw jackfruit refers to the thick flesh around the seed right before ripening. Its increased soluble fibre content lets you keep your sugar levels in control or even decrease the risk of developing the condition. 

So, if you have diabetes, you can eat jackfruit in its raw form. The researchers noted that the unripe jackfruit had 10.2 grams of sugar, while the ripe jackfruit comprised 57.6 grams.

Jackfruit Powder for Diabetes

Another excellent way to relish this fruit is by eating jackfruit flour for diabetes. Unfortunately, this powder does not have a great aroma or taste. Still, jackfruit flour helps those with high blood sugar by regulating blood sugar levels. In addition, jackfruit flour benefits those with diabetes since it has the fruit’s standard glycemic index, which enables food to digest slowly.

The powdered jackfruit has binding abilities and is thus used in the dosa or idli batter to make a healthy high-fibre breakfast. The presence of fibre and natural sugars in the fruit may control blood sugar levels in people with diabetes or decrease the risk of diabetes.

In addition, it prevents and regulates diabetic symptoms by restraining the release of Insulin and glucose in the body and enhancing insulin sensitivity.

Moreover, powdered jackfruit seeds are recognised to give instant relief from indigestion. First, sun-dry the sources and then grind them to make a powder.

Stock this powder for a quick, homemade treatment for indigestion. You can also eat jackfruit seeds directly for constipation as they are a rich dietary fibre source. 

Risks of Over Consuming Jackfruit For Diabetes

Unnecessary consumption of jackfruit can occur in an allergy to birch pollen. It may also decrease blood sugar levels in the wrong way. Eating raw jackfruit is suitable for people with diabetes.

All you require is to mash jackfruit seeds and fetch them to powder. Add powder to warm water and drink up, which will enable you to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. People should consume jackfruit in moderation.

If you are a diabetic patient, consuming jackfruit in moderation is fine. Still, because it is high in carbs, which will increase your blood sugar, it is vital to choose an adequate portion size. For example, a half-cup (seventy-five grams) would provide eighteen grams of carbs.

It has an average GI, which will not promptly increase your blood sugar, correlated with higher GI foods. It also comprises antioxidants that may enable you to regulate your blood sugar levels. However, legumes and beans may be an even better meat alternative if you are a vegan or vegetarian with diabetes.

According to studies, legumes, such as lentils, chickpeas, and kidney beans, typically have a GI of 20 to 30 and comprise more protein and fibre than jackfruit. Therefore, people with diabetes can consume jackfruit in moderation. However, legumes are a better meat substitute, as they have a lower GI, more fibre, and more protein.

Other Benefits of Jackfruit

Jackfruit protects against diseases. It is high in a few potent antioxidants that deliver various health benefits, reducing the risk of multiple conditions. Antioxidants safeguard your cells from oxidative inflammation and stress, which often emerge from damage inflicted by molecules called free radicals.

Here’s an outline of the antioxidants that are plentiful in jackfruit: 

  • Vitamin C: Jackfruit includes high amounts of vitamin C, which may prevent the inflammation leading to chronic diseases, including cancer and heart disease.
  • Carotenoids: Carotenoids help decrease inflammation and curtail the risk of numerous chronic diseases. It helps in heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
  • Flavanones: Flavanones comprise anti-inflammatory properties that help decrease blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels. These are essential factors in reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Jackfruit is said to have various other health advantages that aren’t known. Some of them are: 

  • Immune health: Jackfruit’s quantity of immune-boosting vitamins A and C may help curb illnesses. Eating this fruit is also asserted to help decrease the risk of viral infections. 
  • Preventing skin problems: This fruit delivers several antioxidants and nutrients, such as vitamin C, that may enhance skin health. In addition, there is anecdotal evidence that consuming it may slow the ageing of your skin. 
  • Heart health: Jackfruit may have the capacity to reduce the risk of heart disease due to its quantity of fibre, potassium, and antioxidants. Studies indicate the utilisation of roots and extracts in traditional Indian and Sri Lankan medicine to treat several conditions, including diarrhoea, asthma, and stomach ulcers, but these impacts are scientifically unproven. Although these reported advantages lack backing from scientific evidence, including jackfruit in your diet is worth trying if you want to enhance your health.


Jackfruit is rich in carbohydrates, which are high in natural sugars. Those are bad for diabetic patients in large doses. Still, jackfruit is also less in calories and has a moderate  glycemic index.

It includes insoluble fibre and some protein, hampers digestion, and keeps blood sugar stable. It also has a less glycemic load and is abundant in flavonoid antioxidants. When unripe and raw, people with diabetes could aid more from jackfruit leaves and the fruit. Jackfruit flour is yet another considerable alternative to the natural fruit.

While there haven’t been any accounts of adverse effects on jackfruits, make sure you are not allergic to the fruit before having it. Jackfruit is an outstanding meat alternative. Though it will heighten your blood sugar levels, it has a reasonable GI and GL. Plus, the antioxidants in jackfruit may benefit long-term blood sugar control.

Still, legumes may be a good meat substitute for vegetarians and vegans with diabetes. However, they have a lower GI than Jackfruit. Nonetheless, jackfruit is a beneficial choice that people with diabetes can eat in moderation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. Is jackfruit healthy to eat?

A. Carotenoids, the colourants that give jackfruit its yellow colour, are rich in vitamin A. Like all antioxidants, carotenoids conserve cells from defects and assist your body work right. They may be able to prevent diseases like heart and cancer and eye problems like macular degeneration and cataracts. 

Q. Who should not eat jackfruit?

A. Few people are allergic to it, especially those allergic to birch pollen. People with diabetes if consuming unripe form need to keep check on blood sugar levels as it has capacity to lower blood sugar levels. Whereas diabetes patients should avoid larger portions of ripe jackfruit as it will be high in carbs. 

Q. Is jackfruit good for weight loss?

A. If you are planning to lose weight, you can add jackfruit to your diet as it has a good amount of dietary fibre that enables it to improve digestion. Also, the fibre present helps keep you satisfied for longer, making you skip bingeing unnecessarily. 

Q. What are the side effects of eating jackfruit?

A. Jackfruit is not dangerous for humans, and eating jackfruit is safe for most people. Some people might be allergic to it if they have a birch pollen allergy. Hence they may need to prevent eating the fruit. Jackfruit has no significant side effects of consumption.  

Q. Does jackfruit make you poop?

A. Jackfruit is rich in two types of soluble and insoluble fibres. It helps the body to generate energy and add bulk to your stool, thereby easing up your bowel actions. The copper present also enables thyroid metabolism, particularly in hormone absorption and production. 

Q. Is Jackfruit a Superfood?

A. A cup of raw jackfruit contains less than half the calories of two rotis. It is much lower than one cup of rice but delivers higher satiation due to higher water and fibre content. So you end up fulfilling your hunger longer with fewer calories and lose weight without feeling hungry. 

Q. How much jackfruit can I eat in a day?

A. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics suggests that women eat 25 grams and men 38 g of fibre each day. Jackfruit seeds also comprise prebiotics, which can support the development of beneficial bacteria in the stomach. It is rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants, so including jackfruit in your daily diet will help your system fight off diseases. With ninety-four Kcal of energy in every hundred grams, augmented with a decent amount of carbohydrates, consuming jackfruit restores the power in your body and one can have 50-75 grams per day. 

Q. Does jackfruit burn belly fat?

A. Jackfruit can assist in weight loss if eaten the right way. Jackfruit is high in fibre, which enables improved digestion and metabolism. These are the crucial elements of weight loss. 

Q. Does jackfruit make you sleepy?

A. Jackfruit might result in drowsiness and sleepiness. Treatments that cause sleepiness are known as sedatives. Consuming jackfruit along with sedative treatments might result in too much tiredness. 

Q. Is jackfruit good for your skin?

A. The elevated amounts of vitamin C in Jackfruit may help preserve your skin from sun damage. You require plenty of that nutrient to maintain your skin firm. In addition, jackfruit benefits your skin by being a good source of antioxidants and vitamin C, which help rebuild DNA damage due to oxidative difficulty. While they would not turn back time, these antioxidants can help curb ageing and photoaging of the skin due to sun exposure.

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