Learn How to Do the World's Greatest Stretch

Learn How to Do the World's Greatest Stretch

Although there are many outstanding stretches in a dynamic-warmup that can prepare you for a workout, only one holds the title of the “world’s greatest stretch.” That’s because this particular move hits multiple muscle groups and improves range of motion, which plays...
How to Do Eagle Pose in Yoga (Garudasana)

How to Do Eagle Pose in Yoga (Garudasana)

Eagle pose (garudasana in Sanskrit) makes you feel like you’re being twisted like a pretzel but in the best possible way. The classic version of garudasana requires focus and balance, which is among the first things to go as we age. Eagle pose is an excellent and...
How to Do Bow Pose in Yoga (Dhanurasana)

How to Do Bow Pose in Yoga (Dhanurasana)

Bow pose (dhanurasana in Sanskrit) is a very challenging yet satisfying backbend. Its difficulty lies in the amount of strength required of the body’s posterior. Similarly shaped postures like camel pose and bridge pose are often easier to access because of how much...